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Curiosities about Spanish food

Gastronomy 08/05/2017
Did you that at the Angela every Friday we now have special themed dinners in our restaurant?

This week we will have a Spanish themed dinner and next week it will be Italian.

As this Friday, the 12th of May, your dinner will be Spanish we thought it would be great to share with you five interesting health related facts about Spanish food.

Here they come:
  • Spanish cuisine is one of the healthiest in the world, so consuming it will have a very positive impact in our health.

  • Vegetables are one of the main ingredients in most of our dishes. They are full of antioxidants and fight off ageing and disease. Vegetables are also high in fibre and vitamins.

  • Fish is also very popular in Spain, especially in Costa del Sol. Fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which help us control cholesterol and are great for our brain.

  • Nothing combines better with a tasty dish of Spanish food than a good glass of wine. Wine consumed in moderation is good for the heart and lowers cholesterol, plus it is also rich in antioxidants.

  • Spain is also the most important producer of olive oil in the world with a 44% of market share. Olive oil, rich in mono unsaturated fatty acids, is the most important ingredient in our diet, and this means that we have longer life expectancies and lower risks of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure than other nationilities.

All this just proves that Spanish food is not only delicious but also extra healthy.

We hope you enjoy the amazing Spanish dinner our chefs at Hotel Angela have prepared for you this Friday in our restaurant.

Buen provecho!

Beatriz Muñoz

Guest Relations